Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Yesterday I took the morning off so Hiroko and I could go visit a new doctor together. We only really spent a few minutes there, but it gave me the feeling that we were really doing something for Ren, which lifted my spirits. Hiroko has been plagued with really bad heartburn every day which has disrupted her sleep. It's been resistant to Tums and Pepcid, so the doctor gave us a prescription for a stronger 24-hour pill. We hope that helps.
Otherwise, everything appears to be on track.
Today was a huge snowstorm, and after I started out to work I learned that the subway was closed, so rather than deal with the downtown snarl, I returned home. I actually got a lot done working from home. It gave Hiroko and I time to shop, and we picked up a lot of baby items. This included a cherry wood changing table, and the "travel system" (stroller) that Hiroko and I have been eyeing.
Tomorrow or the near future, I want to get up pictures of the ultrasounds, and maybe Hiroko's belly!
1 comment:
When we saw the doctor, we found out that her head is down now !! Although it causes pain in a different part of my body, I think heart burn will be better and it is great to know that she is ready ! We can't wait to see her !!
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