Dec 11, 2006


Here she is (click to enlarge). This is the best pic with her face. Because we were classified as an "at risk" pregnancy, we got treated to a lot of extra ultrasounds and I have a few more pictures. Later on I'll put them on flickr and let you know soon. So I guess this is a teaser.

On Friday right after I got done blogging that Hiroko was in a lot of pain, she called the docs and they told her to come in right away. We spent the afternoon in the hospital, where they pretty much told us "you're in pain because you're pregnant". But it's been really bad. It comes and goes, but when it comes she can't really do anything but sleep. So I'm trying to stick by her side.

The changing table we bought didn't really work out. The boards were really warped, and one was even already cracked. The dowels and screws were just loose inside the big cardboard box it came in, and we're missing a dowel (they couldn't include some extras?). The screw holes don't really match up right. After two hours of trying to get the thing together, I gave up. We're actually sleeping on top of the warped boards (in between the mattress and box spring) in the hope that they'll straighten enough to be usable. I would have expected more from a product from Target.

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