Showing posts with label other. Show all posts
Showing posts with label other. Show all posts

Jan 23, 2007


I haven't thought to mention it, but we've recieved a lot more gifts and cards by mail from various people. I thank each and every last one of you. It's cool to get all this correspondence. Feel free to always call, as well.

It's kinda funny now, people calling the house, because it's like spinning a roulette wheel. Sometimes we'll be in a lull and bored and eager to talk to you. Other times, we're juggling another phone, and a baby, and we want you to go away just then. But we sure want to talk to you, so keep calling!

In case you're wondering about this picture, I guess the name "Ren" is ambiguous to a lot of people, because some folks have decided she's a boy. The balloon in this picture is 10 days old and still up, amazingly.

Jan 19, 2007

Whither Ren?

Okay, I know, I haven't posted in ten days. Y'all are probably breaking your mice clicking "refresh" soyou can see more Ren pics. I can't even claim that I haven't posted because we've been busy with the baby. Ren has been a great and easy baby, sleeping a lot (even at night) and often quite quiet even when she isn't sleeping.

Plus she's super-cute. Even more now that she's developed a couple weeks into a full human instead of a just-outta-the-womb baby.

The only real news I have to report is that she had some big gas problems. They kept her up a lot at night, and she'd scream and scream from the pain. We changed our brand of formula and it's made a big difference.

I think a lot about looking forward to doing things with Ren this summer.

Dec 27, 2006

Surprise Gift

Perhaps the best gifts of all are surprises. I'd just like to post a quick note that I got a hand-knitted blanket in a gift bag, with card, from my co-worker Mary Ellen. How cool is that? Attention world: Mary Ellen is a sweet lady.

Picture to follow.

Dec 8, 2006

Change is in the air

We got the new changing table from Target. Some of the relatives may recall a fun little adventure on Black Friday. Myself, my wife, my aunt Mary Alice, and my mom all piled into my parents' new car and went looking at used baby stuff at a couple stores. I personally thought there could be no greater hell than shopping for used baby goods on the busiest commercial day of the year. But actually I had a pretty good time.

There's something about baby goods. Commerical products for generic-yuppie adults such as myself are typically done in muted cool colors, sepias, and natural stuff. Baby goods, on the other hand, tend to be pastels, or loud, bright, basic colors. The effect is a little like being screamed at, except it's by inanimate objects. We've been lucky to find some more tasteful items without breaking the bank.

Anyway, we went looking for a changing table and found a really great one, except the store wanted a little too much, then bizarrely insisted they couldn't sell it to us because it was just a display item, then reluctantly agreed, then broke it trying to pack it up for us. And all of a sudden I'm spending my holiday being harangued by clerks quarreling with me about how much I should have to pay for the furniture they just broke. We escaped and fled home for more turkey and pie.

I think we'll be happier with this item anyway. I just hope it's easier to put together than it looks.

Incidentally, did you know the original use of "Black Friday" is from a gold-futures scandal during the presidency of Ulysses Grant? Hey, wake up!!

When Black Friday comes
I'll stand down by the door
And catch the grey men when they
Dive from the fourteenth floor
Steely Dan

Dec 2, 2006

Saturday Afternoon

Today Hiroko and I are chilling at Panera Bread. Hiroko's reading a baby book and I'm messing around with the blog and playing chess.

There are lots of couples here with kids, and we can't help but twist our heads back and forth at all the activity. Soon that'll be us! From the looks of things, we're going to need an umbrella stroller, some juice boxes, and a whole lot of bibs...

Dec 1, 2006

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Yesterday I took the morning off so Hiroko and I could go visit a new doctor together. We only really spent a few minutes there, but it gave me the feeling that we were really doing something for Ren, which lifted my spirits. Hiroko has been plagued with really bad heartburn every day which has disrupted her sleep. It's been resistant to Tums and Pepcid, so the doctor gave us a prescription for a stronger 24-hour pill. We hope that helps.

Otherwise, everything appears to be on track.

Today was a huge snowstorm, and after I started out to work I learned that the subway was closed, so rather than deal with the downtown snarl, I returned home. I actually got a lot done working from home. It gave Hiroko and I time to shop, and we picked up a lot of baby items. This included a cherry wood changing table, and the "travel system" (stroller) that Hiroko and I have been eyeing.

Tomorrow or the near future, I want to get up pictures of the ultrasounds, and maybe Hiroko's belly!

And so it begins

About a month ago on a whim, I created blog stubs for myself and Ren, for little reason other than I noticed they were available. At the time I was thinking that 20 years from now, she might want the URL. But it's since occured to me that I can use it as a record of her development. That way it's a central clearinghouse of information, photos, and musings for all my friends and relatives who want to check up on her, without the need to email everyone all the time.

So this is my very first blog post ever. There's lots to develop here. Most of all I can't wait to bring you all pictures of Ren after she arrives.

And best of all, years from now this blog will be a record for Ren of her youth, how she grew up, and how we grew up with her.