Jan 30, 2009

Ren on Halloween Night

More of Tiger Ren. We went up and down my block, visiting about ten houses. I kept striking up conversations with everyone, so I think it took us about 3 hours just to go this short distance. I video'ed Ren's very first trick or treat here, with my neighbor Kathy. I don't know if she was waiting specifically for us, but she sure was glad to see us.

It was a fun night. Ren at first of course had no idea what was going on, then figured out she was supposed to get stuff, then eventually figured out that it was candy. She kept trying to eat it through the wrapper.

Amusingly, in the second video she's caught on to the idea in reverse, and kept trying to give the lady her candy.

Jan 23, 2009

Ren at Berwyn Halloween Party

Hi. I haven't exactly been diligent in keeping up the videos and pics, have I? We have a huge backlog because I always forget to post. Lazy am I.

These two are from a huge Berwyn Halloween party. The Parks District converts Berwyn's largest park to a haunted forest, plus there's food, live music, pumpkins, hayrides, etc. Ren's costume is a tiger we got at a secondhand store. She loves it. Once when we were gone and a babysitter had Ren, she got it from her stored clothes and cried and cried until the babysitter put her in it.

Ren also loves dancing, as these two videos show...