May 9, 2008

Green Ball Redux

Victorious Ren enjoys her ball.

Hey, I just thought I'd mention that this was just some abandoned ball at the playground, and did not belong to those two kids. So it's not like Ren was taking it from them.

May 8, 2008

Ren vs. Little Green Ball

Well, here it is. This is, in my opinion, the best video I have yet made. It has a story and a happy ending, and everything. Real pathos, here. The weird background sound is me laughing.

Anyway, I thought I'd mention some other words. Ren says "baba" when she wants a banana. She also loves to say "bye bye" at every opportunity. Pretty much any time anyone walks away from her, these days.

May 6, 2008

What? I'm working.


Isn't this awesome?

Good news: Ren has her first word. Bad news: it's a made up word. It definitely means something to her, and she uses it consistently. Whenever she wants something, she points at it, looks to one of us, and says "Ish? Ish?" Our guess is that she's saying "this".

May 5, 2008

Video Week -- Ren vs. Playground

I finally got loaded up some videos I've been talking about. This week I'll be posting three of Ren playing at a playground about a mile and a half from our house. This was on a super-beautiful summer day in mid-April when the three of us walked over.

I'll spread these out across the week. Here's the first.