Aug 20, 2009

Ren 2 1/2 Birthday

We're celebrating Ren's half birthdays instead of birthdays, because would you rather celebrate on July 4 with all your relatives, perfect weather, and fireworks, or on January 4, right after everyone's gone home for Christmas and it's like -10 outside?

Anyway, this was the first big birthday celebration. Here's a video.

Aug 11, 2009

Costa Rica 2009

A Flickr set with all our Costa Rica pics.

Costa Rica 2009

Aug 10, 2009

Ren vs. Alphabet


A couple videos of Ren singing the alphabet. These are good for just getting an idea of where she is developmentally.

Except that, these are only a couple months old, and she's advanced so much it just seems silly. She's learning new phrases and speaking in complete sentences all the time now. But anyway they're fairly cute.

Aug 7, 2009

Ren vs. Baby Chick, and Strawberries.

I forgot/was too busy to post yesterday, so here's two (unrelated) today.

First, Ren loves to play with her food. We try to discourage it, of course, to some degree. But playing with food is better than getting bored and having a fit or bothering us while we're trying to eat. So sometimes we indulge. Here's an example.

As with virtually all stuff like this, we didn't invent this, this is all Ren.

Here's a video of Ren at the zoo. For a long time, Ren was very terrified of animals, particularly cats and dogs. She's finally getting over it. Here's a picture of Ren touching a baby chick...and surviving...

Aug 5, 2009

Gun and Wrap, respectively

Here's two more videos if Ren playing with various bubble-related things. In both cases, she takes it to the next level by making a game of it. Yep, my daughter all right.

Aug 4, 2009

Ren and Bubble Gun

Some time ago Grandma gave Ren a bubble gun. Here's a couple videos of Ren using it.

Aug 3, 2009

Flight of the Bumble Ren

Hi all.

I'm going to be posting videos every day (or almost) for a long while. I've got a long backlog of vids I uploaded but never posted to get through, then I'll start on all the videos from our late July trip to Costa Rica (more on that later).

So, this one is really old. We've got a DVD that's got a segment where insects run/fly around to the tune of "Flight of the Bumblebee". This is how Ren reacts. Note that we didn't train her to do this or anything. Quite the contrary; I'm running around with Ren because every time the song comes on she pulls me off the couch and makes me run with her.