Mar 30, 2007

Another video


I've gotten busy/lazy, so I'm just going to quickie-post this (late) with little comment. I did get a bunch more short videos, including a vid of a good, big smile, which I'll post sometime soon.

Mar 27, 2007

Two new pictures.

Nothing special, just a couple pictures I wanted to share. Cute, no? Tomorrow, another video.

Mar 26, 2007

Some Updates

In the three weeks since I last posted, Ren has developed a lot. She regularly smiles and notices everything around her now, and she "speaks up", making a lot of noises that aren't crying. She turns her head a lot to look at things she finds interesting, and even holds her head up for short stretches. She's still not really making shaped sounds. She's going to bed a little earlier at night and staying asleep (sometime between 9-10:30), only getting up once during the night. There's an hour every night when she's pretty upset right before bedtime, but generally she's very easy and a joy.

She's gotten very used to bath time. Last night we bathed her and she never made a sound the entire time.

I have a couple videos to post and a couple pictures this week. I've taken lots of videos, trying to demonstrate her noises, or fist sucking, or smiles, but it's frustratingly hard to do. Most of her activity is while she is in our arms, and other times it's like she senses the camera and decides to stop.

Here is a great video of Ren with the hiccups. It also features her kicking constantly. She'll be riding a bicycle soon, for sure!

Mar 1, 2007

Another Video of Ren with Mobile

This video is at an angle. I don't have any software to fix this. I think I'm recording about three videos for every one that's useable, but that's not the primary task of a digital camera, after all.

Just to let you know in advance, nothing happens in this video (unless you count a lot of flailing of arms and sticking out of the tongue). but she sure is cute, anyway.

A big first: Ren now will track large objects. In particular, my head. This is somehow greatly pleasing and amusing to me. I like to move my head to the left and watch her drift over to track me, then back to the right, and so forth. This entertains me for about an hour. But as I've said in other posts, we don't have cable.