Dec 1, 2006

And so it begins

About a month ago on a whim, I created blog stubs for myself and Ren, for little reason other than I noticed they were available. At the time I was thinking that 20 years from now, she might want the URL. But it's since occured to me that I can use it as a record of her development. That way it's a central clearinghouse of information, photos, and musings for all my friends and relatives who want to check up on her, without the need to email everyone all the time.

So this is my very first blog post ever. There's lots to develop here. Most of all I can't wait to bring you all pictures of Ren after she arrives.

And best of all, years from now this blog will be a record for Ren of her youth, how she grew up, and how we grew up with her.

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