Dec 16, 2006

Preparing for Mom

All the work we've been doing to try to alleviate Hiroko's pain must be paying off, because she's reported very little bone pain today, and has been up and about like an active person. On the other hand, on Friday she fell while preparing a bath and bruised herself pretty badly. So we're watching for her. I'm glad to say that even with the bruise, things are getting back toward more normal and less scary.

On Wednesday, Hiroko's mother Yasuko arrives and I'll be glad that there will always be someone in the house. When Ren comes, she'll have two moms to take care of her, for a month. The picture here is the guest room we set up for Yasuko. This is Joe's old room. The bedding and paint are all new. It's a cozy little space in the basement.

From this picture you can see that poor Mr. Lion is under the impression that the changing table is a new bed for him. Won't he be disappointed when he finds out the truth!

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