Oct 2, 2007

Videos: Ren in Action

Hi all. I'm still very busy today and tomorrow (plus I have to write about the Cubs at my blog) so I don't have a lot of words for you today.

When Hiroko got back from Japan in mid-summer, she brought a toy cell phone with her. This is certainly something I never had as a kid. It plays music and says "ohayo", "oyasumi", "konnichi wa". Nowadays Ren is a lot more alert and can hit the buttons and open and close it. But back then, she did with it what she does with everything:

The background sound is me laughing.

Here's a brief video of Ren slapping her hand on a table, which she loves to do, especially when not provided with toys. The other hand belongs to our friend Carmela, who was visiting to help me with one of my long Sundays, when I take care of the kid alone all day and into the next morning. She is great.

Okay, that's it. Get back to work.

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