Oct 30, 2007

Super Ren Crawling Video

One of the tough things about gathering Ren videos is that she tends to shut down whenever the camera comes out. If you're trying to capture an activity, instead you get a video of Ren looking at the camera. I've tried to practice the ninja skill of surreptitious shots.

But this film is the exception. We took this probably about two months ago, when we were still excited about Ren crawling...now it's a constant thing. She's a lot more skilled at it, as well. Here she's using her thighs to push her along and flailing her arms forward. Now she can walk on all fours, fully use her legs, and push herself up.

We have a gate over the doorway in the background now, so the two front rooms belong to Ren.

Anyway, great video, with a cute ending:

This particular one, I could watch over and over.

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